
Prices list in Euro

Periods Bed & Breakfast Half Board
From To Double
Ground Floor
Park View
Sea View
Triple Suite
01-05-2024 15-05-2024 180,00 220,00 250,00 280,00 350,00 100,00 - 140,00
15-05-2024 26-05-2024 210,00 260,00 290,00 320,00 350,00 120,00 - 150,00
27-05-2024 15-06-2024 240,00 280,00 310,00 350,00 400,00 135,00 - 165,00
15-06-2024 30-06-2024 270,00 310,00 330,00 390,00 430,00 145,00 - 175,00
01-07-2024 31-07-2024 280,00 330,00 360,00 400,00 460,00 150,00 - 190,00
01-08-2024 31-08-2024 300,00 340,00 370,00 420,00 500,00 180,00 - 220,00
01-09-2024 19-09-2024 280,00 330,00 360,00 380,00 460,00 150,00 - 200,00
20-09-2024 30-09-2024 250,00 270,00 300,00 360,00 420,00 130,00 - 170,00
01-10-2024 16-10-2024 190,00 240,00 260,00 300,00 350,00 120,00 - 150,00
17-10-2024 31-10-2024 170,00 190,00 220,00 260,00 350,00 100,00 - 130,00

(01-05-2024 - 15-05-2024)

    Bed & Breakfast:

  • Doble Ground Floor: 180,00 €
  • Double Park View: 220,00 €
  • Double Sea View: 250,00 €
  • Triple: 280,00 €
  • Suite: 350,00 €
  • Half Board:

  • Double Room: 100,00 - 140,00 €

(15-05-2024 - 26-05-2024)

    Bed & Breakfast:

  • Doble Ground Floor: 210,00 €
  • Double Park View: 260,00 €
  • Double Sea View: 290,00 €
  • Triple: 320,00 €
  • Suite: 350,00 €
  • Half Board:

  • Double Room: 120,00 - 150,00 €

(27-05-2024 - 15-06-2024)

    Bed & Breakfast:

  • Doble Ground Floor: 240,00 €
  • Double Park View: 280,00 €
  • Double Sea View: 310,00 €
  • Triple: 350,00 €
  • Suite: 400,00 €
  • Half Board:

  • Double Room: 135,00 - 165,00 €

(15-06-2024 - 30-06-2024)

    Bed & Breakfast:

  • Doble Ground Floor: 270,00 €
  • Double Park View: 310,00 €
  • Double Sea View: 330,00 €
  • Triple: 390,00 €
  • Suite: 430,00 €
  • Half Board:

  • Double Room: 145,00 - 175,00 €

(01-07-2024 - 31-07-2024)

    Bed & Breakfast:

  • Doble Ground Floor: 280,00 €
  • Double Park View: 330,00 €
  • Double Sea View: 360,00 €
  • Triple: 400,00 €
  • Suite: 460,00 €
  • Half Board:

  • Double Room: 150,00 - 190,00 €

(01-08-2024 - 31-08-2024)

    Bed & Breakfast:

  • Doble Ground Floor: 300,00 €
  • Double Park View: 340,00 €
  • Double Sea View: 370,00 €
  • Triple: 420,00 €
  • Suite: 500,00 €
  • Half Board:

  • Double Room: 180,00 - 220,00 €

(01-09-2024 - 19-09-2024)

    Bed & Breakfast:

  • Doble Ground Floor: 280,00 €
  • Double Park View: 330,00 €
  • Double Sea View: 360,00 €
  • Triple: 380,00 €
  • Suite: 460,00 €
  • Half Board:

  • Double Room: 150,00 - 200,00 €

(20-09-2024 - 30-09-2024)

    Bed & Breakfast:

  • Doble Ground Floor: 250,00 €
  • Double Park View: 270,00 €
  • Double Sea View: 300,00 €
  • Triple: 360,00 €
  • Suite: 420,00 €
  • Half Board:

  • Double Room: 130,00 - 170,00 €

(01-10-2024 - 16-10-2024)

    Bed & Breakfast:

  • Doble Ground Floor: 190,00 €
  • Double Park View: 240,00 €
  • Double Sea View: 260,00 €
  • Triple: 300,00 €
  • Suite: 350,00 €
  • Half Board:

  • Double Room: 120,00 - 150,00 €

(17-10-2024 - 31-10-2024)

    Bed & Breakfast:

  • Doble Ground Floor: 170,00 €
  • Double Park View: 190,00 €
  • Double Sea View: 220,00 €
  • Triple: 260,00 €
  • Suite: 350,00 €
  • Half Board:

  • Double Room: 100,00 - 130,00 €

Prices refer to a minimum stay of 7 nights. 


  1. - with Bank Transfer (we will send to you our IBAN code);
  2. - with Credit Card number with expiry date



  • - in the case of cancellation communicated more than 40 days before  the scheduled arrival date, the deposit will be fully refunded;
  • - in the case of cancellation communicated less than 40 days before the scheduled arrival date, the deposit will be fully retained by the hotel;
  • - in the case of EARLY DEPARTURES, the cost of the room will be charged for all the days booked and not used.


Children with 2 adults:

  • - Baby 0-2 years old €. 20,00
  • - Child 2-6 years old - 50%
  • - Child 7-12 years old - 30%
  • - Third bed for adult or child > 13 years - 10%


Rooms are available from 13:00 (arrival day) to 10:30 (departure day)